Reading Lists
Animal Tales

Some memorable books from your childhood often feature special relationships between humans and animals, which taught some very important lessons about love, friends ...
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Award Winning Reads

Read an award winner and get your own prize! Here are some suggestions.

Biography, Memoir, or Biographical Fiction

Read about a real person and learn something new!

Books made into Movies

These are books that have been made into movies, available to borrow from the Webster Public Library. You can watch a movie to earn a badge, but you may want to read the book as well!

Books that Inspire Eating Delicious Food

Cookbooks aren't the only books that inspire you to make delicious food! These books have food in the title and maybe even recipes inside! 

Classic Books Written Before 1920

Looking for a book written before 1920? Try one of these suggestions.


Trying to win that mystery badge?  Here are some suggestions.

Novel Destinations

Take a trip to somewhere new!

Tales of Tails

Do your favorite animals have tails? Travel to the jungle, the sea, the forest, and more to meet all sorts of animals!

Tall Tales

These stories mix fact and fiction together to create an exaggerated story of an actual event. Can you see the truth in these tall tales?

Timeless Mythology

Mythology forms the backbone of all the cultures in the world. They are also fun and highly entertaining, and their continuing relevance is evident in the fact that ...
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Fantasy and Sci/Fi

Fantasy books aren't just for kids. Are you looking to discover new worlds and exciting characters to fall in love with? Here are some ways to Imagine Your Story.